Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Let's Play Some Catch Up.

        Wow time really does pass by quickly. One moment I'm looking down to do something and by the time I raise my head again a couple of months has passed by! I hope everything has been well for all of you. In the month of April I did decide to do something that I had once declared that I would never do. I attempted to workout at home. This was the best solution for me because of the following.

  1. Shortly after giving birth I developed Sesamoiditis. You can read more about it here if you'd like but just know it makes walking very difficult due to the extreme pain. It also heals very slowly. I've had this a little over a year now. To be fair though, I didn't know initially what was going on and the few doctors I spoke to about my limp just shrugged the issue off and told me to take Aleve. It wasn't until I went to see a chiropractor about my hip, another injury during my pregnancy, and decided to mention it. After a few X-rays I finally got an answer. 
  2. I absolutely, positively, can not stand walking. For quite some time it was the only exercise I was cleared to do. Now i'm not knocking anyone who loves to walk but for me it is just plain boring! (~_~') Whenever I attempt to do so it goes a little something like this. Assuming that I have chosen a new place to walk, day one is usually rather nice. I'm taking in all of my surroundings and to be honest i'm probably taking more breaks than I should. On day two i'm more focused because I wish to see just how quickly I can complete my route. So for so good right? Well, by the time day three has hit, i'm completely bored with the place. I feel as though I've completed my adventure and that there is nothing left for me to discover. Then to make matters worse I begin to dread it.
  3. I had become very insecure. Shortly after becoming a mom, I bumped into a familiar face at our *ahem* favorite super center. It had been a long time since I had seen her so I was excited to catch up a bit. At the mention of my pregnancy she then proceeded to say the following. "Yeah I knew something had to have happen because of that!" She then grins and points to my stomach. So um, yeah..... 
  4. I just couldn't imagine me getting back to that place with the issue listed in point number one. 
I missed my Zumba classes so I created a playlist on YouTube which allowed me to go at my own pace. My chiropractor recommended that I get a pair of New Balance athletic shoes to absorb the shock of dancing and they are amazing! The only things I'm not allowed to do are jump and run. Now before some of my fellow friends reading this commence to chewing me out, please know that running in place for a bit is alright so long as i'm careful. (^_^)
        As far as my eating habits go I am now eating a mostly plant-based diet. I had dabbled in this prior to my pregnancy so I'm happy to have made the switch now. I allow myself to have whatever I wish on holidays and so far it's been a lot easier than just cutting everything all at once. Now, I wish to clarify that I am not a Vegan. I recognize the fact that being Vegan has to do with a heck of a lot more than just a diet change. It truly is a lifestyle choice. I'm just not at a point in my life where I feel that is what I want. At least not right now. In order to keep myself accountable I use a calendar and if you're wondering, each color does represent something. Just know May looks a bit better in reference to me working out. (>_<)

  • Green= No meat
  • Purple= I managed to excercise
  • Orange= Accidentally consumed something that had meat in it
  • Red= Free Day 

        For now we're pretty much all caught up so i'll leave you with this simple new treat I've been making for my family and prayerfully it won't be another two months before I talk to you.  Until next time. 


Mango Mamma "Nice-cream"

  • Three to four frozen bananas
  • Four to eight frozen mangoes
  • 1 1/2 cups of orange juice

This treat is very easy because you really can just adjust the amounts to your liking. Just blend to combine or you can use a food processor. What I have listed is usually enough for two adults and one fruit loving baby. (^_^) One key tip i'd love to recommend would be to use ugly fruit. Yes, you read that correctly. The riper the better. That's how you end up with a sweeter nice-cream as opposed to a really tart one. I hope you enjoy this!

Friday, March 25, 2016

MY EPIC (not really) RETURN!!!!!!!

     Hello everyone!!!!! *waves excitedly* I hope all has been well. I know the big question, for those of you who aren't friends with me on Facebook, will be "Where did you go?" So much time has passed and to be completely honest, I got to a point where I was contemplating picking this back up. I often pondered if attempting to play catch up would just come off as annoying. In attempt to keeping this post to a somewhat reasonable length, for the time being i'll just issue the cliff notes version. I'll later expound on past experiences as I know I will more likely than not touch on them at a later date. Now with that being said, I AM NOW A MOMMY! *\(^_^)/*
    My husband and I welcomed a beautiful baby girl in the beginning of 2015. So yeah, I admit I took an additonal year to attempt to grab the reins of parenting. It's been challenging yet very rewarding. I'm sorry if that came off cliche' but it's the truth and we're having so much fun. I also implement, to the best of my ability, healthier food options for the family. She loves fruits and veggies! I jokingly say that for my first trimester she turned me vegan because if I ate anything that wasn't plant based, with the exception of rice and garlic, it was NOT staying down. Now the second trimester was a different story. At this point I believed that my husband's genes really started kicking in because I was addicted to pepperonis! (>_<) I'm just glad everything mellowed out during the homestretch.
     So how has my health been you ask? To be honest a bit of  a roller coaster. *chuckles* What I will say for now is that I am blessed. I've gone from hearing a doctor say "Well if you haven't gotten pregnant by now, you probably can't." to getting an amazing, healthy, surprise with poofy cheeks. All the bumps in the road that I've had to endure were absolutely worth it. (^_^) You know, sometimes I stare at her and will still turn to my husband and say "I can't believe she's real. She's actually here!" He then will reply with an overly exaggerated  "YES SHE IS!" while giving the biggest smile. So much so that he'll turn red. During this time of course our little one is just staring at us like "What are you two doing? You guys are being weird again. Oh look Veggie Tales is on! Never mind you two, as you were." *sighs* Oh man she really has no idea just how weird we can be. The thing is, if she's even remotely like me, the goofy gene will most definitely kick in. You guys, it's great to be back! Until next time.


Saturday, November 30, 2013


   It's holiday time so if anything, it's suppose to be a time to be jolly. Maybe I am backwards this season. Also I am sure that that those of you who are also friends with me on facebook are probably wondering "What's going on with Kiki?!?!?!" "Normally she is so bubbly and silly but now we only see her complain about work." Stress is recently through the roof and the lovely cherry on top is I have to move out of the city. Even as I am writing this I am preparing to leave tonight for good. (Also why it's a short post.) So I suppose that this could have a smidge to do with my stress level.
     Honestly, do you want to know the biggest thing I am afraid of? My weight of course. I have gained a bit but at least I now know stress/water "weight" is not the same as weight gain from fat. I am nervous because I will be a great deal from the gym and I seem to be experiencing de ja vu. That's right I seem to be falling into some of my old work habbits. I remember applying for part time so that I can keep some sort of balance because if it was just as simple as working out at home I would have never became this unhealthy . Not even two weeks and now I have 8 day weeks! *chuckles* I need to learn how to politely decline because if I keep going like this, I will undoubtedly hit 400 pounds. I've always tried to look for the silver lining and say at least i'll be busy but that's exactly what I said last time. Until next time.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Letter To Myself

 Dear Kiki,

     I know that this is a bit overdue but you know how work can be. Congratulations on all of your success thus far! Can you believe it has been one entire year already? Take a moment to look at yourself. You've lost 54 lbs which averages just over a pound a week. I am so happy to see that were consistent and didn't let the glitz and glamour of diet pills tempt you. I remember when you use to say "A year would take way too long. I'll never be able to stick with it." You have always been an open book but I feel that now when you speak about yourself, it really is weighed with the intent that you may possibly help someone. I am so proud of you. Remember when we looked through some of your older pictures? Not only has your body shape changed but your face looks younger now than it did when you were in school. I know most of your "school pics" have been put up but just look at this one from last year. Neither of these pictures show you with makeup on!

October 2013
     I know sometimes you want to face palm yourself when you think "If only I had know about this sooner." I'm telling you right now there is nothing you can do about your past. Leave it in the past! I know the thought may come around every once in a while because you are only human but don't dwell on it. Always make sure you stay positive and focus on moving forward because this is only the begining. So with that being said. Keep up the good work and I raise a smoothie filled glass to you. CHEERS! (>_<) Until next time.


November 2012

July 2013


2-4 bananas depending on size
1 cup of frozen strawberries
1 cup of orange juice
2 cups of water.
If you have little girl's who are insisting on a "bubble gum" smoothie. (You know who you are lol) Try adding a cup of jack-fruit for slight bubble gum taste.

I really wanted to do a PINK drink for breast cancer awareness month and the best way to fight disease is with prevention. Also, did you know cancer thrives when the body is in an acidic state? You can read more about it here http://www.cancerfightingstrategies.com/ph-and-cancer.html Let's get a head start by adding another green smoothie to the mix.  I owed you one from the last post anyway. (>_<)

The Popeye

6- 8 oz of frozen spinach
1 cup of water
1 20 oz can of cut pineapple in juice with no sugar added
(add frozen berries if you'd like but this will change to color a bit)

I hope you enjoy these two as much as I do! *raises glass* Let's toast to our health! \(^_^)/

Sunday, September 29, 2013


     Finally!!!!! I have finally hit my 1st big goal of 50 pounds! Now to go get cake and ice cream! Just kidding. I ask that you please excuse the way this is written being that I have to do this via cell phone. When I am able to have time to actually get on a computer I will correct this. I really hope I will be able to upgrade soon.
     Do you remember when I was saying I couldn't remember what I wanted to do to celebrate? Well I believe I have narrowed it down to two choices. Funny thing is, they both have to do with my new lifestyle. Choice number one is a juicer. I have to admit as time has passed I find that I am enjoying the benefits of consuming full blenders of fruit and vegetables as opposed to just juice alone. For starters I don't get nearly as hungry as quickly. Also I notice I tend to be a um, I'll just say,"cleaner" then when I consumed juice alone. I only now see myself using a juicer when it comes to fruits that contain a lot of seeds. Besides, if I really want my smoothie to have more of a juice like consistency, all I have to do is add more water.
     Option number two would be a toning belt or something along the lines of one. I notice that I'm toning up pretty much everywhere but the place that needs the most help would be my lower stomach. I feel like at this point any little bit would help.
     Oh! I almost forgot. My part time job has turned into a full time job so that means less time at the gym. (T_T) I do however try to go before work along with turning my job into a sport as much as I can lol. It must be working because I actually had to buy new work clothes. Potentially mooning your customers is frowned upon in this society. (>_<) Until next time,


Ps. I haven't forgotten about this month recipe. I will upload it here when I get back on a computer. Stay awesome guys! \(^_^)/

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Am I ready?

     Hey! Great to see you! Come sit with me so we can discuss this past month over some tea. That would be just lovely wouldn't it? I suppose for now though you can just sip on some water while you are reading this. After all, it's better for you right? Where do I start first. Well, maybe with just a smidgen of not really bad news. I was hoping that by this time I would have smashed through my new goal of 50 lbs but alas the scale wishes to play games with me. (~_~) The good news is at least I have not gained any weight. Maybe my body is freaking out or something. You see, and to be honest I am not quite sure of when or how this even happened, my diet now consists of 75 to 80 percent fruits and vegetables. Currently, two of my meals are now fruit/vegetable smoothies. The great thing is this has become routine for me and not just some crash diet.
     There has been one huge change in my life. After reflecting on how far I have come in my progress. I have concluded that I am indeed in a better state of health and therefore I should return back to the working world. Almost a year ago, I was in such horrible shape that my husband and I came to the decision for me to take some time off for me to actually take care of myself. To be honest I am still kind of afraid to go back because it seems as though every time I start working I throw me, myself, and I out the window. I guess I was distracted by something shiny when God was passing out the skill to multitask. Now, small things like talking while doing something is one thing but when it comes to work I literally put my all into it.
     I use to work at a salon where I was one of only two stylist. In order for one of us to have a day off, the other would have to work a double shift. So imagine working 12 to 13 hours with barely any breaks and lunch was but a dream. I at first was excited about it because I would just count my job as exercise. Then boom out of now where I got sick and began falling down the slippery slope of weight gain. I gained 30 lbs in just three months! I just couldn't understand how. After all, I was barely eating and "working out" all day long. Now I know this took what little metabolism I had left and completely destroyed it. My body went into extreme starvation mode. I later switched to another job where I was at a computer all day because I was retaining so much water I could not longer fit my shoes let alone stand for long periods of time. At this job I just new that if I stuck to eating lean microwave dinners that I'd be on my way to a thinner me. WRONG!!!! These so call frozen healthy meals come with a lot of sodium which in turn made things worse. Hello additional 30 lbs. Apparently my first 30 needed company. At this point I just knew I was going to die. In documentaries I would see people who were in excess of 600 lbs and think that was going to be me in just a few years. I'll never forget the day I went to get off the couch and my knees gave out. One moment I was up, the next I was down on the floor struggling to get up. This happened twice. Lost in a horrific stupor, I prayed for change and decided that I would put behind the embarrassment from multiple failures and try again. You know, I still get a bit choked up when I stare at that place on the living room floor.
     Okay, enough with the tear jerk-er let's get back to present day. I decided to ease back into working by getting a part-time job. I am hoping by doing this the task of working and keeping me healthy won't seem so daunting. So far so good. I got a job close to where I live so I can walk instead of taking my car. Also I bring a fruit/vegetable smoothie with me for lunch so I am not so quick to buy off the shelf. If I feel that I want to go to the gym but am just not in the mood to drive, i'll ask a friend who is also on the way there to give me a ride. Hopefully, these few changes will help keep me on the right track to success. Until next time, wish me luck!


Okay, seems like everyone out there has a green smoothie so here is mine. (>_<)

Green Dream

2 cups of watermelon juice (you can make this by blending watermelon and straining out the seeds)

1 cup of orange juice

1-2 cups of your choice of leafy greens. (I use either a mix of fresh baby spinach, kale and Swiss chard or frozen spinach)

1 cup of water

All you have to do is blend until smooth. This drink is surprisingly creamy as well as refreshing. The watermelon juice is slightly reminiscent to cucumber but sweeter. At only 337 calories for the entire blender (5 cups), what do you have to lose? I really hope you like this one. I will probably come up with another green juice for winter seeing as watermelons will soon be hard to come by. Enjoy!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Experiment #1

     Hello everyone, I am happy to announce that I have lost a total 45 pounds! That's right, I am five pounds away from my first major goal. (cue fanfare) \(^_^)/ I would like to start off by saying thank you for all of the love and support thus far. You guys have no idea how much you inspire me. I am still in a bit of disbelief because when I went in for a check up the doctor actually high-fived me! I don't think I've ever been so happy to go see the doctor! Also, the more I think about it, the more I am like "Hey! It was hard but not impossible. I think I may actually be able to do this!" Sorry if I am rambling. I am just super excited. Looking back on all my past attempts I wish to say the most I have ever lost was around 30 pounds. My goals so far have mainly been based off of 10 pound intervals. This way it seems less intimidating. I have decided however that for larger goals such as losing my first 50 pounds or the moment I am no longer in the 300's, just to name a couple, that I should do something amazing or something out of the ordinary. The thing is, I myself am a bit out of the ordinary. (>_<) I mean I have always been known as "the different one" in the family. A "black black sheep" if you will. LOL! If there is something new or different, rest assured I will more than likely be the first one to try it. My family is more into watching tons of sports on television, and sticking to eating things they are familiar with. I on the other hand would rather not waste my energy on something I am not playing. I enjoy anything where I can learn awesome facts or get a great laugh. I also love watching cooking shows and trying new foods. Which brings us to the topic at hand.
     A few months after beginning my lifestyle change I came across some information about people who only juiced their meals. I immediately questioned this and even asked around because to me it just came off like another fad diet. We have all heard of the grapefruit diet, the cabbage soup diet, and the  infamous master cleanse which consist of nothing more than water, lemon juice, agave nectar, and cayenne pepper. So I immediately chalked it up as garbage because most of these when completed resulted in the regaining of their original weight back. Two rules I have given myself for my weight loss are no fad diets and absolutely NO DIET PILLS!!! Both options resulted in yo-yo dieting and voila! You had me 362 pounds. (T_T) After researching I have discovered that there are people who lead full lives on just eating raw foods. Some of which have done it for 8+ years
! You heard me folks. Not just vegetarian or vegan but Raw Vegan. I think I just heard a cow moo. (>_<) So far the changes I have made consist of exercising more and increasing my water intake. I also watch my calories but nothing as drastic as juicing and eating raw foods for the rest of my life. I mean with every pro there is a con as with just about anything in life. I then thought, "What if I only replaced one of my meals? Eating multiple times a day is still a challenge for me but what if I drank some of my meals?" So I decided to give it a try for one month. All I can say is wow! Doing this has assisted me in having a well-rounded diet. I will say that I was shocked that I experienced detoxing symptoms even though I never became fully raw. I sometimes got headaches from caffeine withdrawal or felt as though I could not completely focus. I even developed a rash under my chin. This happened on and off for about two weeks. I am just happy I didn't undergo any worse symptoms such as a serious cold or fever. You can read more info about the symptoms if you'd like here. Juicing side effects. Around the third week I could really feel a difference. My skin started to clear up while my energy went through the roof! I remember going to a Zumba class and joking with one of the instructors saying that I felt like I had co-taught the class. For me to still be smiling at the end of ANY class was huge. So now if I feel like I need a kick of energy or I just don't feel like physically eating, I make a smoothie. Here is one of my favorites. (^_^) I do not currently own a juicer however my blender works just fine.

Beet-live Me

1 large carrot grated
1/4 cup of grated beet
1-1/2 cups of orange juice
1/2 cup of water
1/3 of a ripe pineapple
5 frozen strawberries
1 cup of rinsed seedless grapes.
1-2 bananas
(The amount of bananas depends on how sore I am from the previous class. You trainers reading this know who you are...(>_<))

My tip here is to start with the liquids and then add each item one at a time to ensure your blender blades continue spinning. Also, by using frozen fruit instead of ice, your drink will not be watered down. This recipe yields two and a half 16 oz servings at only 272.8 calories a glass!

I am currently working on other drinks that I will post here. Hopefully, you will enjoy them as much as I do. Until next time,
